Part time/ full time engraving business for sale
We’re currently engraving the glass unity sets, gift sets, but it can do wood and other materials as well. We are selling only at amazon. New buyers can...
Industrial Equipment Sales & Manufacturing (Ref# 240307)
Established in 2009, this equipment sales business is privately owned and operated in the Midwest. The company is headquartered in a home office with 2...
Beauty & Cosmetics Manufacturer for Sale
Indianapolis, IN
Established in 2016, this Company started as a consulting side venture by its founder, a beauty entrepreneur who built her brand from her college dorm and later...
Unique Organic Drink Mixers
Fishers, IN
Blue Flame Organics is a new company based in Fishers Indiana. Our first product is the first margarita mix on the market containing electrolytes. We are...
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