Liquor store for sale
Mclean County, IL
Liquor store doing 150,000 sales per month .Very profitable store. High margins . Store sells beer , wine , liquor , grocery etc . Extra income 7,000 per ...
Established Great Harvest Bread Co. Franchise for Sale
Bloomington, IL
Step into the world of freshly baked delights with this charming, well-established Great Harvest bakery opportunity. Bloomington-Normal is a vibrant and growing...
Interstate hotel for sale
Mclean County, IL
Flagged hotel doing 1.2 m room revenue . Great interstate location . 63 rooms . 1.5 acre land size. NO PIP . Call AJ 916-995-0783 for more information .
Interstate gas station
Mclean County, IL
Interstate gas station doing 45,000 gallons and 45,000 inside . additional gaming income . Fast food franchise doing 70000 sales per month . 15 acres extra ...
Interstate gas station
Mclean County, IL
Interstate gas station doing 45,000 gallons and 45,000 inside . Additional gaming income . Fast food franchise doing 70000 sales per month . High inside and...
Profitable Neighborhood Bakery for Sale in North Central Illinois
Mclean, IL
Looking for a profitable, well-established business with strong community ties? This thriving bakery, in operation since 1996, offers a rare opportunity to acquire...
Chiropractic Practice for Sale in Bloomington, IL Area
Normal, IL
Award-winning, thriving and growing chiropractic practice for sale in the heart of...
Cash Flow: $363,774
Industrial Building Maintenance
Mclean County, IL
Grocery, Yorkville IL Area - Full Liquor
Mclean County, IL
This grocery store is open limited hours. Sales are over $20,000 a month. It has a...
Kid to Kid
Available Nationwide
Kid to Kid is an award winning upscale resale store franchise. The children’s market is...
Flagged motels for sale
Mclean County, IL
Flagged motel doing 700,0000 revenue and 1.2 m room revenue. 3 story property pool ,...
$255,000 Income-Cleaning Bus, repeat clients, 30 year turnkey biz!
Mclean County, IL
Pre-approved with Bank-$90k cash down, to make $255,000-finance with bank. TURNKEY! 300+...
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