Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Greenlee County, AZ. Showing instead
* USED CAR DEALERSHIP for Sale in Prime Upscale Scottsdale Arizona
USED CAR DEALERSHIP for Sale with ONLY $1700 MONTHLY RENT that is ESTABLISHED and PROFITABLE in the heart of prime upscale Scottsdale AZ 85254 (near Shea...
Boutique/Luxury Automotive Dealership For Sale
We are a business that has been serving the local Scottsdale community with its automotive needs for over 4 years. Our boutique-style dealership offers...
Car wash Chain 3 loc's $10.13M all with LAND
Tucson, AZ
Car wash chain 3 locations all with land, absentee owner, fully functional flex serv...
Car wash with land $1.1M Flex, express and detail
Pima County, AZ
Car wash Flex on .70 acres, can be converted to full EXPRESS. Has detail, 4 employees...
car washed 2 loc's $3.65M one mile apart Net $550K +
Casa Grande, AZ
Car washes, same owner 1 mile apart w land one auto, 8 SS bays, 14 vacs. Absentee owner....
High Traffic Vehicle Dealership with Real Estate #3233
Gila County, AZ
Situated in a high traffic area with great visibility from the main road. Could...
Car wash Flex with land $3.48M-can be converted to EXPRESS
Tucson, AZ
Car wash Flex, $1.3M gross, EBIDTA $450K+, detail , c-store, absentee owner, established...
Car Wash $3.5M flex, 20% express can be full express 1.23 ac land
Tucson, AZ
Car Wash Tucson, AZ established 20 years absentee owner $1.23M Gross $471K NET. All...
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