Little Vine Vineyards
Villa Rica, GA
A unique opportunity to own and curate Little Vine Vineyards, an acclaimed establishment 25 miles from Metro Atlanta. This award-winning Vineyard and Winery offers...
Hotel and Restaurant Construction Opportunity in Villa Rica, GA!
Villa Rica, GA
Seller is willing to sign a contract with a rezoning contingency! Seller has connections with the County! The 1-acre parcel is located North adjacent to the gas...
Citgo Food Mart / With Real Estate & Business!
Villa Rica, GA
Attention: We have great news, SBA money is now available for qualified applicants and...
Wing, Hamburger Fast food High Volume
Villa Rica, GA
Monthly gross sale is over $100,000 and Net margin is over 25,000 monthly. Stable...
See more results when you broaden your search from Villa Rica to Carroll County.
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