Reputable Pool Cleaning & Maintenance Business
Albany, GA
If you are looking for an opportunity to buy into an up-and-running franchise business with current customers this is the real deal! We offer pool cleaning and...
Pool Cleaning Business, Home-based, $240K SDE, Great price!
Albany, GA
This is a well-established (opened in 2011) home-based pool cleaning and maintenance business with Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (SDE) of $240,000 available for...
ONLY $100,000 - Turnkey Franchise for Sale!
Albany, GA
Your journey towards the ideal business venture culminates here! Immerse yourself in the...
South Georgia, 50 Year Old Dry Cleaner - 5 Locations
Dougherty County, GA
Market-leading business with over $1.7 million in revenue. There are 5 locations- a main...
10 FedEx Ground Routes - Albany, GA - Vehicle Financing
Albany, GA
Asking Price: $375,000 with assumption of $300,000 in vehicle financing. FedEx Ground...
Newly Renovated Motel Property with Adjacent House in Albany, GA!
Albany, GA
Yearly sales are expected to generate over $250,000! Motel is newly renovated and...
Child Care Center with Real Estate located in Dougherty County, GA
Dougherty County, GA
A well-established and fully licensed childcare center in Dougherty, GA, is on the...
Mission Foods Route $143,000 Albany / Americas / Cordele, GA
Albany, GA
Mission Food Route FOR SALE Albany / Americas / Cordele, GA Dougherty County - Sumter...
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