Profitable Telehealth Business
About the Business: This is your chance to own a thriving telehealth clinic that’s positioned perfectly in today’s healthcare market. Specializing in...
Two Highly Profitable, Well Established IV Drip Wellness Clinics
HIGH PROFITS. PROVEN SUCCESS. IMMEDIATE CASH FLOW OPPORTUNITY. Step into ownership of a thriving wellness business with high margins, recurring revenue,...
Strong EBITDA: Multi-Unit Swim School Franchise Opportunity-ATL Metro
A data-centric swim school business with an innovative, streamlined operating model that's capturing market share in a fragmented industry. Featuring a...
Physician Ownership Opportunity - for RENT or SALE ASC in Atlanta
Looking for higher reimbursement? Why give your labor to a hospital – make it yourself! Exciting opportunity for a surgeon who wants to make more- own...
Multi-Unit Fitness Franchise Portfolio w/ Expected 500k in Cash Flow!
Atlanta, GA
Springfield Strategies presents this remarkable opportunity to acquire four fitness...
Profitable Workout Facility
Atlanta, GA
This 12 year old, award winning gym is a true turnkey opportunity. There are two fully...
Flotation Therapy and Sauna Center
Atlanta, GA
Due to health matters, owners must sell one of the few float therapy and sauna centers...
Pharmaceutical Approved Patent for Sale
Atlanta, GA
Oral Health Pharmaceutical Patent for Sale This is a solid Patent on a Oral Medical...
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