High End Salon in Affluent Area
Lake Mary, FL
Very successful high end salon with over 20-chairs, filled with stylists. The owner works four days a week. Chairs rent for $290 plus refreshments fee. The salon...
Proven Success: 20 Years in Business, 20% Revenue Jump!
Winter Springs, FL
With nearly 20 years of proven success, this business has shown it can thrive, even in challenging times. Revenue has consistently increased, with a standout 20.1%...
Hair Salon & Spa
Seminole County, FL
Quaint salon with 17 years of service to the area. Full hair salon with an additional...
Owner Absentee Established Barbershop in Popular Plaza
Seminole County, FL
This barbershop has all the key ingredients for a successful business: a strong presence...
Well Established Franchise Hair Salon
Seminole County, FL
Full unisex hair cut, and color salon with full franchise support. Services include...
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