Well Established turn key restaurant located in a desirable location!
Sarasota, FL
Well known restaurant located in a very desirable area of Sarasota. This business is turn key with full staff in place, including managers. Owners have remodeled...
Edible Arrangements for Sale
Sarasota, FL
Editable arrangements is a francize opportunity. Once in the system, orders will come in through corporate. This is the whole Sarasota market. The store is being...
Key West Style Garden Restaurant
Sarasota, FL
NEW PRICE!!! MAKE OFFER!!! This is a one of a kind, downtown area Sarasota Restaurant. You have to see it to really appreciate it. There is not a better outside...
Chayhana Vostok Uzbek Cuisine
Sarasota, FL
"Featuring traditional Uzbek and Russian cuisine with friendly service. We offer catering, dinner, and daily breakfast."
Vietnamese/Asian Restaurant or Bring Your Own Concept!
Sarasota, FL
Family own Vietnamese restaurant specialize in Pho noodle soup and other authentic...
Florida Oriental Restaurant For Sale With Owner Financing
Sarasota, FL
A unique opportunity to take over a flawless restaurant operation. Consistent cash...
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