11 FedEx Ground Routes - St. Petersburg, FL - Seller & Vehicle Finance
Saint Petersburg, FL
Asking Price: $200,000 in outright cash, plus $525,000 in estimated possible vehicle...
8 FedEx Ground Routes - St. Petersburg, FL - Vehicle Financing
Saint Petersburg, FL
Asking Price: $575,000 plus the possible $200,000 in vehicle financing. FedEx Ground...
5 FedEx Linehaul Routes - St. Petersburg, FL - Vehicle Financing
Saint Petersburg, FL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
16 FedEx Linehaul Routes - St. Petersburg, FL - Vehicle Financing
Saint Petersburg, FL
FedEx Linehaul Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Linehaul...
18 FedEx Ground Routes, West Coast Florida
Saint Petersburg, FL
Well established and highly profitable FedEx Ground Route based out of Saint Petersburg,...
See more results when you broaden your search from Saint Petersburg to Pinellas County.
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