Great Growth Business For Sale
Okeechobee, FL
Long term established wrecking salvage yard. approx 300 cars for parts , late model wrecks The wrecks feature good engines and transmissions and body parts...
E-Commerce Online Pool Supplies
Okeechobee County, FL
PRICE REDUCED This e-commerce online wholesale pool supply business specializes in above ground, inground and on ground pool kits for your diy customers....
Est. Pulmonary Practice w/RE SBA $150K Down.
Okeechobee County, FL
Est. since 1992 pulmonary practice with real estate (3500 sqft. - $450K). Seller willing...
Physical Therapy Practice/gym With Real Estate & Owner Financing
Okeechobee, FL
Established PT practice with AMPLE opportunity to grow! The area is poised for...
Long Established Liquor Store with Real Estate
Okeechobee County, FL
Rare opportunity to acquire a long established liquor store with drive through and real...
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