$3 Million Sales! Residential Roofing Business!
Longwood, FL
Established in 2006, this roofing company has a solid track record with close to $4M in annual revenue and a focus on high-margin leak repairs and maintenance....
25 Years Car Dealership for Sale
Longwood, FL
25 Years of Tradition, Inventory Included (40 vehicles currently, subject to changes) A dealership with 25 years of tradition, located on a busy avenue with a...
Custom Cabinetry with Real Estate
Longwood, FL
Longstanding and very successful custom cabinets shop. In business 30 years, with or...
Cuban and Latin 24 year old restaurant
Longwood, FL
Discover the savory delights of a beloved café-style eatery, expertly run by a devoted...
Profitable Italian Restaurant for Sale in Longwood FL
Longwood, FL
Asking Price: $600,000 Gross Revenue: $241,320 EBITDA: $30,000 Rent: $3,800 per Month...
Great Pool Route in Longwood, FL
Longwood, FL
Here’s your chance to own a pool route from the city of Longwood, FL and surrounding...
Excellent Smoke & Vape Shop-Absentee Owner
Longwood, FL
This smoke shop is currently owned and operated as an absentee owner located on a main...
Pool Renovation and Repairs
Longwood, FL
Own a piece of a booming industry with this well-established, 30-year old pool...
Chain Sports Bar & Restaurant; Longwood, Fl
Longwood, FL
High Producing Fast Casual Chain Sports Bar & Restaurant; Longwood, Florida $795,000 ...
Spray Foam Genie
Available in Florida
Join Spray Foam Genie and enjoy being the CEO of your own Area Development Franchise...
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