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Exciting Opportunity to Scale a Patented, One-of-a-Kind Product!!
Nassau County, FL
The Suck and Blow Jello Shots have already achieved remarkable success, with over 12 million + units sold, proving their appeal and popularity. Introducing the...
BOOMING business, Valet Dry Cleaners
Fernandina Beach, FL
The largest dry cleaner service business in Fernandina Beach, approx. 3800 customers in data base, offers Tuxedo rentals & a sub-contracted Alterations business....
Timeless Elegance, a 1927 Victoria-Style Mansion Wedding Venue
Nassau County, FL
Don’t miss your chance to own this historic, gorgeous Wedding Event Venue located on 2 acres in a growing section of NE Florida. This Victoria style mansion was...
Thriving Muscle & Fitness Therapy Center with Real Estate
Nassau County, FL
Don’t miss your chance to own this amazing muscle & fitness therapy center with real estate valued at $955,000. Since its creation in 2005, this fitness therapy...
Comprehensive Online Officer Training Program Patent for Sale!
Nassau County, FL
Our comprehensive online officer training program offers a patented curriculum designed...
All-Inclusive and Innovative Target & Gun Rack Patent For Sale!
Nassau County, FL
One patent is is known for selling a patented defensive humanoid target and accessories...
Target, Gun Rack & State Licensed Officer School Program Patent!
Nassau County, FL
This all inclusive company offers three different patents. One patent is is known for...
Premier Massage & Wellness Practice with Prime Real Estate
Fernandina Beach, FL
Owner retiring! Take advantage of this turnkey therapeutic wellness practice with prime...
B&B - Beautiful & Beachy
Fernandina Beach, FL
A 14 room B&B located in a popular island resort destination. Easily accessible. ...
Available in Florida
Blingle!, a HorsePower Brands company, stands as the pinnacle of outdoor lighting...
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