Pizzeria and More
Boynton Beach, FL
Pizza and More- Full kitchen fully loaded. Extremely low rent $2,000 per month. Restaurant is 2200 sqft with 30 seats inside with private dining room and mall...
Asian Restaurant TURNKEY - Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, FL
Chinese Thai Restaurant TURNKEY -Boynton Beach- Established 26 years beautiful restaurant located in prime shopping plaza with Publix anchor. Restaurant seats 92...
Boynton Diner - A Premier Restaurant Opportunity in Boynton Beach, FL
Boynton Beach, FL
Discover the unique opportunity to own the esteemed Boynton Diner, a flourishing dining establishment nestled in the heart of Boynton Beach. With a strategic...
Fantastic café bakery!!!
Boynton Beach, FL
SEMI-ABSENTEE OWNER!! fantastic business opportunity, we are offering a turnkey café bakery fully staffed for sale, simply take the keys and start selling! Sales...
SEMI-ABSENTEE OWNER!! fantastic Pizzeria/Bar
Boynton Beach, FL
SEMI-ABSENTEE OWNER!! fantastic business opportunity, we are offering a turnkey Pizzeria...
Well Established Cuisine in the area for 40 years
Boynton Beach, FL
This restaurant has been around in the area for approximately 40 years with a good...
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