Rock & Roll Hotel w / Huge Roof Top
Washington, DC
10,000 Sq Ft 1,000 Ppl+- Occupancy $10 Million+- Sales Potential Extra Large Space High Ceilings Column Free 3-Large Built-In Bars Multiple Bathrooms on...
Nightclub and Lounge Best of DC
District of Columbia, DC
Opportunities to purchase one of the hottest spots in DC nightlife just don't present themselves often. This is your chance to own a very popular nightclub and...
Premier Event Hall, Nightclub, & Lounge MRB DC 1487
Washington, DC
For Sale: Premier Event Hall, Nightclub, & Lounge in Washington, D.C. Looking to own...
Popular Bar & Lounge on Hst For Sale
Washington, DC
District Alley on H Street is a lounge that aims to provide a sophisticated and upscale...
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