Liquor store since 1962
Greenwich, CT
60+yr business in affluent neighborhood. New low lease, can be run by one person ! Make money day one. Serious pre-qualified buyers only.
Liquor Store For Sale
Stratford, CT
A great opportunity to own this well-established liquor store located in Stratford, Connecticut. The store is in a commercial/residential neighborhood in the heart...
Profitable Liquor Store in Fairfield County, CT
Fairfield County, CT
An excellent opportunity to purchase a highly profitable, well-established Liquor Store...
Owner Operator Liquor Store in Busy Connecticut Town
Fairfield County, CT
Turn Key owner operator liquor store for sale. Great opportunity to take over a...
100% Absentee Liquor Store in Fairfield County
Fairfield County, CT
This well-known liquor store has been established for over 20 years in its highly...
Liquor Store in Fairfield County, CT
Fairfield County, CT
This profitable liquor store has been established in their Fairfield market for over 15...
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