Turnkey Opportunity: Water feature business with 50 years experience
Denver, CO
With over 50 years of history, the company has become a trusted leader in Colorado's water feature industry. The commitment to excellence is evident through its...
Unique Manufacturing Business of Child-Resistant Tins
Denver, CO
One-of-a-kind opportunity to own exclusive intellectual property rights to a unique child-resistant closure designed for a specific line of tins. This company...
Profitable Commercial Kitchen Design Firm and Equipment Supplier
Denver, CO
Located in Colorado, this well-established business has been a trusted supplier of...
Niche Industrial Solutions: Distribution, Fabrication & Repairs
Denver County, CO
* Strong customer and supplier relationships and contracts * Reliable, stable supply...
Local Residential Magazine with Reoccurring Income For Sale
Denver County, CO
Community-focused magazine franchise that provides ad space, social media mentions,...
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