45+ Years Well-Established Furniture Retailer
Waterloo Regional Municipality, ON
For over 45 years, this proudly Canadian furniture retailer has grown into a well-recognized and respected name in the industry. Specializing in both classical and...
Commercial Printing Company | $1.8M 2023 Revenue
British Columbia
This Company is located in Western Canada and provides a variety of stationary, supplies, furniture, and equipment for executive offices. They offer services in...
Cash Flow: $473,000
Outdoor Home Furnishing Service and Retailer | $9.3M 2023 Revenue
British Columbia
The Outdoor Home Furnishing Service and Retailer is located in Western Canada. The...
Children's Furniture High Volume Retail Outlet GTA
Distinguished by their commitment to quality, this business has been synonymous with...
The Brick Furniture Franchise Store in Cottage Country
Southwestern Ontario, ON
Rare Opportunity: Own an Established Location of The Brick Franchise Seize this...
Well Established Profitable Mattress Retailer in a Lifestyle Community
Coastal BC, BC
Here is your opportunity to acquire a turn-key mattress retailer in Coastal BC. The...
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