Ameci Pizza Franchise for Sale Ventura County
Ventura, CA
This is a unique opportunity to own a thriving Ameci Pizza Kitchen franchise in a prime Ventura County location. Known for delicious, high-quality Italian cuisine,...
Absentee owner with great profit!!
Ventura, CA
Easy to run with minimal help and good profit ,Its a great opportunity for someone to start on restaurant business. Take over a turn key place and make money with...
Busy Storefront Space for Cafe, Bagel, Sandwiches or Other Concept
Ventura, CA
Fully built-out space with all fixtures and equipment to support cafe, light fare,...
Ventura County Restaurant Facility
Ventura, CA
This very popular restaurant is in a growing and up-and-coming area of Ventura county. ...
See more results when you broaden your search from Ventura to Ventura County.
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