Remodeled Pizzeria + Beer Taps in Prime Location in Desirable City
Sonoma County, CA
Remodeled Pizzeria + Beer Taps in Prime Location in Desirable City; $350,000 Recently...
Stunning Restaurant in High Profile Location
Santa Rosa, CA
Stunning restaurant in a great location with a lot of foot traffic. Wrap-around windows...
Very Popular & Quick Serve Burger Place in Petaluma for Sale
Petaluma, CA
Seller financing available to a qualified Buyer. This is a fantastic opportunity to take...
Turnkey Restaurant & Bar in Prime Santa Rosa Location – Fully Equipped
Santa Rosa, CA
Turnkey Restaurant & Bar in Prime Santa Rosa Location – Fully Equipped with Type 47...
Gastropub with type 75!
Sonoma County, CA
Popular and well-equipped restaurant located on busy thoroughfare with a lot of street...
Pizza Restaurant in Downtown Sebastopol
Sebastopol, CA
Popular, family-owned and operated pizza restaurant featuring organic, fresh ingredients...
Quick Service Restaurant Franchise - Santa Rosa (Price reduction)
Santa Rosa, CA
This Franchise restaurant is a Counter-service chain offering a range of Philly-style...
Restaurant in Downtown Core with Outside Seating
Sebastopol, CA
Well-equipped restaurant in the downtown core features 2 Type-1 exhaust hoods for a...
Established Deli in Sonoma County
Sonoma County, CA
An established deli, renowned for its unique flavors, high-quality ingredients, and...
Hummus Republic
Available in California
Hummus Republic is a modern fast-casual concept with a simple business model, low...
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