Santa Clara County, CA
StretchLab is a One-on-One assisted Stretching studio. It is primarily member based; however, we do have clients who use our services on an as needed basis through...
NorCal DBT and KAP Therapy Practice for Sale
San Jose, CA
Acquiring this Clinic presents a rare opportunity to access a highly specialized and prestigious Mental Health Care Practice uniquely offering Ketamine-Assisted...
Great Fitness Studio in a Special Niche Market
Santa Clara County, CA
For sale is a niche fitness business with loyal members. Most paying auto every month. A fun way to get (100%...
Chiropractic Practice for Sale in Santa Clara County, CA
Los Altos, CA
Established, thriving chiropractic practice for sale in Santa Clara County, located in Los Altos, California! Here’s your chance to purchase a thriving practice...
Cash Flow: $345,137
Revolutionize Amateur Hockey - High Profit Sports Tech Business
Santa Clara County, CA
Are you passionate about hockey and looking for a profitable sports business? Purchase...
Highly Profitable Plastic Surgery Practice In Northern California
Los Altos, CA
- Legacy business for over 45+ years. - Talented office team an average of 13.5 years...
Cash Flow: $920,000
Long-standing Physical Therapy Practice
San Jose, CA
For over three decades, this physical therapy practice has been proudly serving its...
Upscale, Profitable Spa Experience in Prime San Francisco Bay Area
Santa Clara County, CA
Established in 2011, this exceptional spa has maintained consistent profitability, even...
Plastic Surgery Practice with 25 years’ service.
Santa Clara, CA
Exciting Opportunity for Growth! Here’s a chance to acquire a well-established plastic...
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Available Nationwide
In-home services franchise, home based franchise, no physical location required,...
Established Boxing Club in Desirable Location
Mountain View, CA
This Established Boxing Club is a boutique fitness gym that has been in operation for...
Gross Revenue 3.6M 25% growth from last year and back on the market
Santa Clara County, CA
Located in the heart of Silicon Valley - Established business, premiere name and staffed...
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