Fast-Casual Mediterranean Restaurant Ready-to-go w/ Apartment Upstairs
Goleta, CA
Rare opportunity to own a top performing, Mediterranean (franchise) restaurant in the heart of Isla Vista, CA. [Family moving out of state*]. Business Valuation...
Vons Chicken Restaurant in Busy College Town Location
Isla Vista, CA
Vons Chicken Restaurant in Busy College Town Location RRC# 4818 Location: 955 Embarcadero del Mar, Isla Vista Description: Famous for its Korean-style...
Inviting Neighborhood Restaurant
Santa Barbara County, CA
Located in a high traffic shopping area, this restaurant is renowned for its handcrafted...
Charming Café
Santa Barbara County, CA
Located in a quaint tourist town in Central California that attracts over 1.5 million...
Vibrant Bar and Restaurant
Santa Barbara, CA
Located in historic downtown Santa Barbara, this bar and restaurant stands as a vibrant...
Profitable Downtown SB Restaurant with Beer & Wine for Sale
Santa Barbara, CA
Just reduced by over $200k! Downtown SB Restaurant with Beer and Wine For Sale! Ranked...
Restaurant Franchise on UCSB Campus
Isla Vista, CA
Is your Son or Daughter attending UCSB? Offset the cost of their education with the...
Type 47 ABC License - Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA
Full liquor license - Type 47 – On-Sale General - Eating Place. Approved for use in...
Prime Restaurant Location
Santa Barbara, CA
Fully built and permitted restaurant space in Santa Barbara, California. Featuring a...
Checkers & Rally’s Restaurants
Available in California
Checkers & Rally’s is an award-winning hamburger QSR brand, known for its World Famous...
Buellton Wine Country Restaurant
Buellton, CA
The restaurant is located in a shared building in a busy shopping center, near the 101...
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