Restaurant Space in Santa Barbara County
Santa Barbara County, CA
Attractive rental rate under $2,000 per month. Located on a busy thoroughfare near many...
Inviting Neighborhood Restaurant
Santa Barbara County, CA
Located in a high traffic shopping area, this restaurant is renowned for its handcrafted...
Turn Key Fast Casual Restaurant with Drive-Thru and Liquor License
Santa Barbara County, CA
Perfect for a chef who wants their own restaurant! $150K down; Seller will carry the...
Bar and Grill
Santa Barbara, CA
This restaurant features a type-47 ABC License (valued at $385,000), is located on a...
Vibrant Bar and Restaurant
Santa Barbara, CA
Located in historic downtown Santa Barbara, this bar and restaurant stands as a vibrant...
Profitable Downtown SB Restaurant with Beer & Wine for Sale
Santa Barbara, CA
Just reduced by over $200k! Downtown SB Restaurant with Beer and Wine For Sale! Ranked...
Restaurant Franchise on UCSB Campus
Isla Vista, CA
Is your Son or Daughter attending UCSB? Offset the cost of their education with the...
Restaurant/Café with Beer & Wine LIC
Santa Barbara, CA
High Traffic Downtown Santa Barbara Restaurant! Gross Sales and Net: To be discussed...
Cocktail Bar & Restaurant
Santa Barbara, CA
Award winning cocktail bar and restaurant with a warm artistic ambiance, poured concrete...
Hummus Republic
Available in California
Hummus Republic is a modern fast-casual concept with a simple business model, low...
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