Beautiful, State of the Art Laundromat
Santa Ana, CA
The laundromat is perfect for an owner/operator. It has energy efficient soft mount Continental front load washers. A CCI payment system is included. The ozone...
Residential Cleaning Business - 100% Recurring Revenue- Orange County
Santa Ana, CA
Established residential cleaning business in Orange County, CA Motivated Seller - Essential Service - Poised for Growth Cleaning services are something every...
Custom Tailor Shop
Santa Ana, CA
Established Tailor Shop with many loyal customers within the past 10 years. New...
Well established Santa Ana location
Santa Ana, CA
Busy Santa Ana beauty. Prime location with plenty of parking in well-maintained center....
Dry Cleaners: Asset Sale, Good Rent, Good Prc $79K, OC
Santa Ana, CA
This 50-year-old dry cleaning plant has average monthly sales of $11,000. A good...
See more results when you broaden your search from Santa Ana to Orange County.
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