High Volume Liquor Store - San Jose
San Jose, CA
Description: Popular Liquor Store conveniently located on corner of a neighborhood strip center in San Jose. Ample free parking in the front is perfect for easy...
Baseball Sporting Goods Store
San Jose, CA
Fantastic baseball and softball specialty sporting goods store. We are THE baseball authority serving the entire Bay Area! We carry all major vendors and will get...
High Volume Convenient store for sale in North San Jose
San Jose, CA
High volume convenient store for sale in north San Jose. They have a large selection of...
Vending Machines - Snacks and Drinks | Semi-Passive & Great Margins
San Jose, CA
Successful - Semi-Absentee - Healthy Snacks & Drinks Vending Machine Business covering...
Established Flower Shop
San Jose, CA
Love Flowers? Like making money? This is the business for you. This shop has thrived...
Conv. & Grocery Store with Beer & Wine ( San Jose)
San Jose, CA
Description: This high end market is conveniently located inside the retail area of one...
Want to own a business with high profit and a luxurious environment?
San Jose, CA
Want to own a business with high profit and a luxurious environment? For $49,888...
Established Indian & Pakistani Grocery Store in Prime Location
San Jose, CA
This well-established Indian & Pakistani grocery store is strategically located in a...
Remote-Based Niche Wine Brand and Business For Sale
San Jose, CA
A niche wine brand and business are for sale. This is a turnkey business that is primed...
Uptown Cheapskate
Available Nationwide
The resale fashion movement is growing. Join Uptown Cheapskate's award-winning team to...
Flower Shop in San Jose for Sale!
San Jose, CA
Flower shop in San Jose with $400k gross sale with current rent at $4,000. Great...
A Fantastic High End Liquor, Wine Bar, Sprits & Beer
San Jose, CA
A wine and liquor business which is a specialized retail establishment that offers a...
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