Restaurant. 2 kitchens. Full liquor. Asset Sale
Milpitas, CA
**This is an ASSET SALE. The cost to build this restaurant from scratch would be...
Auto Repair
Contra Costa County, CA
Auto Repair Shop $65,000 NET INCOME An Excellent Oppertunity for a owner operator to...
Mediterranean Restaurant Bar with a Bar & type 47 license
San Jose, CA
This Restaurant location & it's decor looks Majestic, with It's very high ceilings &...
Fantastic Thai restaurant.
Alameda County, CA
Fantastic 1500 sq ft Thai restaurant is a true haven for food enthusiasts. Located in...
ICE CREAM NEEDED! Join the best tenant SF/Daly City has to offer!!
San Francisco, CA
Do you have a reputable Ice Cream or Dessert brand that would be PERFECT for Stonestown...
5000 sq ft restaurant& Banquet
San Rafael, CA
This is a 5000 sq ft restaurant and banquet hall located in a very busy part of Marin...
Cafe in Office Building
San Mateo, CA
This is an attractive cafe located on the ground floor of a Class A Office Building in...
BBQ, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Or Bing A New Concept TYPE 41 LICENSE
Santa Clara, CA
Excellent location in the heart of silicon valley, it's been there for years as a Texas...
General Liquor License - Type 21 Off Sale – Marin County
Marin County, CA
This California Type 21 Liquor License is suitable for liquor stores, grocery stores,...
Blue Coast Savings Consultants
Available in California
There is NO better business model that is designed to excel in inflation, recession, and...
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