Jewelry and Jewelry Repair Business
Benefits: 1. Business established over 30 years in major shopping center on Pacific Coast Area 2. Business is only open 4 days a week closed Sunday,...
Preschool Business Pacifica, CA
Discover a golden opportunity to invest in a thriving preschool business in the charming coastal town of Paci?ca, California. Nestled along the...
Popular Restaurant and Bar
Pacifica, CA
This long-time full-service bar and restaurant has been serving delicious food and...
Card Op Laundry as Absentee Owner's Run in Beach City in SF Peninsula
Pacifica, CA
Card Op Laundry as Absentee Owner's Run. Located in Beach City in SF Peninsula (in a big...
Coffee House near Pacific Ocean
Pacifica, CA
This charming little coffee house is located within breathing distance of the Pacific...
"Pacifica" Restaurant Opportunity in Shopping Center across beach !
Pacifica, CA
This restaurant offers traditional foods that make it's longtime customers stay and come...
Lucrative Market with Liquor
Pacifica, CA
Established Franchised mini supermarket with Liquor license in excellent area near the...
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