Chiropractic Practice 45 patients a day
Madera County, CA
Chiropractor retiring . Merge his patients to yours or take over his 1800 Sqft office with rent only $2250 . He sees about 45 patients a day , mostly for...
Landscape Installation and Maintenance Company
Madera County, CA
70% Maintence routes with contracts (134 accounts) which consists of 85% Commercial and 15% Residential 30% Landscape installation Longtime experienced loyal...
Commercial Electrical Contractors
Madera County, CA
The asking price is well below market value for a quick sale! This successful electric...
Gas Station, Market, Restaurant, Rental Homes
Madera County, CA
Business Overview 1. Market Store: •Monthly Sales: $80,000 - $115,000 •Gross Profit...
Rancho Market & Taqueria
Madera, CA
A golden opportunity to own Rancho Market & Taqueria, a wellestablished business in...
Sunrise Market
Madera, CA
The Sunrise Market, located at 527 Sunrise Ave, Madera, CA 93638, is available for...
Deli Delicious in the Sierra Foothills
Oakhurst, CA
The store is located in a 7500 sq ft strip center and occupies the highway frontage unit.
Price Reduction - Excellent High Volume Unbranded Gas Station
Madera County, CA
Excellent High Volume Branded Gas Station with Property & Beer and Wine License for...
Pet Shop Feed Store For Sale
Oakhurst, CA
Asset Sale for Pet Store and Feed Store , all inventory, shelving , fixtures, employees...
Moe's Southwest Grill
Available Nationwide
Moe's Southwest Grill® is authentic, adventurous and all-around fun. Our passion has...
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