Established Full Service Spa/Salon
For sale Beautiful Downtown Los Gatos Spa & Salon with $90K in upgrades. This turnkey business features a long-term staff with room for growth. It...
Beauty Salon for sale in Los Gatos by Owner
We are expanding our beauty and wellness business in Los Gatos and are seeking new owner want to buy a thriving business in the heart of Los Gatos. Our...
Boba Tea & Snacks with a fully equipped Kitchen in Downtown
Los Gatos, CA
A Boba tea and snacks with a fully equipped kitchen is for sale in Downtown Los Gatos....
High-End Los Gatos Hair Salon For Sale
Los Gatos, CA
Beautiful newly renovated high end hair salon in the heart of Los Gatos, CA. Currently...
Dry Cleaners in Los Gatos for Sale!
Los Gatos, CA
Full Dry Cleaning plant with shirts pressing unit so that all garments can be cleaned on...
"Los Gatos" Café Restaurant Opportunity near Farmer's Market!
Los Gatos, CA
This downtown café is located in a highly commercialized area within a busy street of...
Dry Cleaners in Los Gatos for Sale!
Los Gatos, CA
This Dry Cleaner is located in a shopping center with ample parking and is a full plant...
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