Multi-Unit KFC - West Coast
Lakeport, CA
3 KFC units available in the Northern California area KFC Overview: Just about everyone recognizes Colonel Sanders, the iconic Kentuckian who introduced the...
Cannabis Cultivation & Distribution (Clearlake, CA) #1320
Clearlake, CA
Extraordinary opportunity to acquire a Built-out Cannabis Indoor Cultivation & Distribution with local approvals...
Doggie Day Care and Training Business For Sale
Lakeport, CA
Looking to dive into the lucrative pet industry? Look no further than Send Rover on...
Established Pizza Restaurant
Kelseyville, CA
High potential Kelseyville Pizza is up for sale. Don't miss this opportunity to own your...
Clearlake Pool Service Route for Sale
Lake County, CA
Partial SBA qualifiable based on buyers' financials. Long term established outstanding...
Lake County Unique Resort, Pine Grove Resort, established in the 40's
Cobb, CA
Lake County Unique Resort. Pine Grove Resort, established in the 40's, is one of the...
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