Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Kettleman City, CA. Showing instead
Established Towing Business (Trucks & Real Estate Included)
Kings County, CA
The Myers Team is proud to present the exclusive opportunity to purchase a turn-key, highly established towing and storage business in California's Central Valley....
Upgrade your lifestyle with this trendy Boutique
Hanford, CA
Are you ready to step into the vibrant world of fashion and lifestyle retail? Cottonwood, a well-loved boutique in Hanford, CA, is your perfect chance to own a...
911 Plumbing & Electric Inc. / Eagle Fire and Water Restoration, Inc.
Lemoore, CA
Discover a unique investment opportunity with 911 Plumbing & Electrical and Eagle Fire & Water Restoration, two established providers of plumbing, electrical,...
Avenal, CA
T&T Market was launched by my wife and I since 1986. This grocery store was the foundation of our success and it gave us countless memories. With only one larger...
Shell Food Mart
Hanford, CA
Shell Food Mart generates steady revenue and boasts a 14-year remaining<br />lease,...
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