Cinnaholic Franchise in Established California Suburb
Corona, CA
Located in a popular shopping center for young adults through senior citizens anchored by Target, Kohl's, Marshalls, Buffalo Wild Wings, The Edwards Movie Theatre...
Market sushi-->High Volume
Corona, CA
*Market Sushi Business for Sale* *Stable Revenue & Easy Operation! - Located inside a large Market, this Sushi Bar benefits from high daily Foot Traffic. -...
Restaurant in Corona
Corona, CA
For Sale: Established Restaurant Space in Prime Location! Location: Conveniently...
Restaurant in Crossings at Corona Shopping Mall
Corona, CA
The Crossings at Corona Mall is a large shopping mall in Corona. Please refer to...
5 days open Sand-Cafe in Industry Area
Corona, CA
1300 SF Business Park ,Industry Area City Of Corona 5 Days Cafe & Sandwich. Asset Sale
Restaurant Asset Sale-->Alcohol License
Corona, CA
Great Opportunity to Take Over a Restaurant in a Popular High-Traffic Plaza! This...
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