High Volume, Established Chiropractic Office in Camarillo, CA
Camarillo, CA
Busy, solid family practice for 47 years. Diversified technique-and activator. Office manager of 37 years and other staff will stay for transition. Averaging...
Mobile Dog Grooming Business For Sale
Camarillo, CA
After 18 years of being a successful dog groomer, I am ready to retire, I am selling my business! Great opportunity for the right person. Always dreaming of...
profitable Thai restaurant
Camarillo, CA
This Thai Restaurant upon entering makes you feel like you have entered into a different...
Great Location Restaurant Opportunity( PRICED FOR QUICK SALE)
Camarillo, CA
Great location in a very busy plaza, a unique opportunity to have a restaurant in...
Donut Shop in Camarillo
Camarillo, CA
The donuts are amazingly fresh and absolutely delicious and melt in your mouth. This is...
Camarillo Restaurant
Camarillo, CA
Located in a vibrant shopping center, near several anchor stores, this restaurant has...
Great Mexican Restaurant for a Conversion to Mex/Ame Brunch
Camarillo, CA
Great family restaurant that has been serving the community of Camarillo for over 14...
Restaurant Asset Sale in Camarillo
Camarillo, CA
Jump on this opportunity to own and operate your own restaurant without the hassle and...
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