Convenience Store
Alameda County, CA
Great opportunity to own an established beer and wine store in prime Alameda county area. Store gross: $44,0000/month; Margin:35%; Lotto: $133,000/month; ATM:...
Liquor Store - Fremont
Fremont, CA
Description: This is a family-owned business, Originally established in 1993 and under current ownership since 2023. Business sales degraded under current...
Convenience Store
Alameda County, CA
Great opportunity to own an established convenience store with great cash flow, in high...
Liquor Store - Dublin
Dublin, CA
Description: Highly popular liquor & wine store situated in a well-trafficked area,...
$300,000 Net Profit, Short Hours, Low Rent
Alameda County, CA
NET PROFIT $300,000 This is a profitable grocery/convenience store in Alameda County...
Liquor Store with very high Lottery Income, San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo, CA
Description: This Liquor Store is in a busy retail strip center on the frequently...
Grocery Store with Beer Wine Lic., Very high Lottery Comm. (Hayward)
Hayward, CA
Description: This convenience store is located in an unincorporated community in Alameda...
Unique opportunity to own a gas Station
Alameda County, CA
Established Franchised gas station with beer and wine and convenience store. Asking...
Liquor & Conv. Store - Pleasanton
Pleasanton, CA
Description: This Liquor Store is a local gem. Originally established in 1986, this...
Mosquito Joe
Available Nationwide
Mosquito Joe, a Neighborly company, is the nation's leading outdoor pest control...
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