Well Established Restaurant in Victoria
Victoria, BC
Excellent opportunity to purchase a long established restaurant in Victoria with food primary liquor licence. Completely renovated in the last few years, the...
Established high-end butcher shop in elite neighbourhood for sale
West Vancouver, BC
Beautifully appointed, high-end bucher shop with an established customer base, nestled in a charming village in one of Canada's highest net worth communities
Established "Wing It In" Restaurant for Sale—Turnkey Business in a Pri
Surrey, BC
An exceptional opportunity to own a fully established fast-food restaurant setup in a...
Incredible Business Opportunity for $299,000!
Fort St John, BC
Welcome to the top performing Quiznos in Fort St John, BC! Our store has been...
Unique Concept & Opportunity with this Eco-Friendly Modular Restaurant
Kelowna, BC
Unique Concept & unique Opportunity. Own a modular, eco-friendly restaurant serving...
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