Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Ashe County, NC. Showing instead
Well Loved Wine Business Opportunity
Wake County, NC
This established Wake County Wine Shop has been happily serving its loyal customers for almost 10 years. This is your opportunity to capitalize on the existing...
Social gathering wine shop and artisan craft retail in NC mountains
Morganton, NC
Creative wine, beer, coffee and artisan craft shop located in the heart of downtown Morganton. Loyal following, especially from Lake James residents coming to town...
Gathering Place for Wine Lovers
Hickory, NC
In the heart of the charming town of Hickory sits a tremendous opportunity for the wine enthusiast. With multiple revenue streams, a diversified customer base, and...
Turn Key Bottle Shop & Bar, with Exponential Growth Potential
Durham, NC
This wine, beer and beverage store with a bar is located in the coveted area of downtown Durham surrounded by apartments and rapidly growing development. It...
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