SHOW STOPPER! New on market Childcare business #10957
Tempe, AZ
This Childcare has everything you have ever wanted in a Childcare facility. A...
WANT PART-TIME! This is for you! Healthy fast food #10848
Tempe, AZ
This place does great numbers and is only open 6 days a week. The restaurant runs itself...
REDUCED WILL CARRY! For well established Dry Cleaning #10928
Tempe, AZ
This plant has been in this neighborhood for 20 years and has been doing solid numbers...
JUST REDUCED! Family run childcare licensed for 51 children #10877
Tempe, AZ
This childcare is so nice and interactive that all the kids love being there so much...
Hottest Bar in Town FOR SALE ! Must See Unique Location!
Tempe, AZ
The bar is strategically located, popular crowd , best sound system in the city, has 2...
Jewelry Store and Watch Repair, only $58k, low rent.
Tempe, AZ
Very established Watch and Jewelry repair and Retail sales store For Sale. 5 Year lease...
Restaurant Space in Prime Tempe Location - Motivated Seller!
Tempe, AZ
Here’s your chance to own a prime piece of Tempe's restaurant scene! This spacious 5,000...
Renovated Restaurant - Assets For Sale and Lease Available
Tempe, AZ
Vibrant, quick-casual restaurant located in Tempe, Arizona. Committed to being an...
Restaurant Bar - GREAT RENT - Downtown Tempe (Mill Ave)
Tempe, AZ
Bar Restaurant 2,000 Sq Ft 14 Ft Hood Turn Key Ready to Go! All Equipment needed to...
Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning
Available in Arizona
Join this high-demand, Low cost of ownership, minimal overhead franchise with excellent...
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