Incredible Scottsdale Restaurant & Bar for Sale! Prime Location!
Scottsdale, AZ
Own this Profitable, Fun and Exciting Scottsdale Restaurant & Bar for Sale with Patio with Proven Success, $430K SDE, and Exclusive Memorabilia! An incredibly...
High End Italian Restaurant and Bar North Scottsdale
Scottsdale, AZ
Very popular high end family owned Italian Restaurant and Lounge located in PRIME North Scottsdale.Seating at 157 customers between the dinning room, bar and...
Sushi and Asian Cuisine Located in Scottsdale #3268
Scottsdale, AZ
Magnificent facility with seating for over 200 with a busy bar area. Looking for a...
Sports Bar for Sale -Scottsdale - Very Profitable!
Scottsdale, AZ
Why purchase this Sports Bar? It is your DREAM! or seriously; Established Success: A...
Profitable Mediterranean Cuisine #3237
Scottsdale, AZ
Well established and very clean Mediterranean restaurant in a great location. The...
Major Mall Food Court Opportunity
Scottsdale, AZ
An extremely rare chance to own a prime spot in Arizona’s most prestigious mall food...
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