Well established breakfast/lunch restaurant for sale
Tucson, AZ
Well established Tucson breakfast and lunch restaurant for sale. 42 years in business with a devoted client base. Projected sales this year between $550,000.00...
Vinni's Listing -Marathon Gas Station with Popular Fast-Food for Sale!
Tucson, AZ
Prime Corner Location – Turnkey Business Opportunity! This is your chance to own a well-established Marathon Branded Gas Station with a large convenience store...
Two Smashburger Franchises for Sale Earnings over $331,000
Pima County, AZ
Own these two highly successful Smashburger Franchises for Sale in Arizona poised to...
Profitable Restaurant/Bar with Extremely Exclusive Real Property!
Pima County, AZ
Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to own a thriving restaurant and bar in a highly...
HEALTH FORCES SALE - Turn-Key Restaurant & Bar
Tucson, AZ
HEALTH FORCES SALE - Don't miss out on this truly one of a kind restaurant opportunity....
Price Reduction! Refurbished Restaurant in East Tucson - Independent
Tucson, AZ
This is start-up opportunity where you only need to provide the labor and decide to keep...
47 Scott
Tucson, AZ
Introducing a rare opportunity to own a piece of Tucson's vibrant downtown culinary...
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