Established, Successful gym with good cashflow and culture
Phoenix, AZ
Established in this location since 2017, Liberty Performance Training is a true lifter's staple in Phoenix. It is the most well-equipped boutique facility in the...
Group Fitness Gym in Great Location with room for growth.
Phoenix, AZ
This recently established group fitness gym, less than 2 years old, is strategically situated in a bustling retail center adjacent to a prominent grocery store....
Well located Boutique Fitness Gym with opportunity for growth.
Phoenix, AZ
Are you in search of owning your very own gym? Here's an exceptional opportunity awaiting you. Positioned strategically on a bustling street and centrally...
Boutique Therapy & Assisted Stretch - Wellness Studio
Phoenix, AZ
Are you a health/fitness professional or enthusiast looking for the perfect opportunity to own a reputable and distinguished business with low cost to entry? ...
FRANCHISE! New way of working out! Coed Gym! 11037
Phoenix, AZ
People are loving working out in this new style of gym. This franchise is opening up all...
THIS NORTH PHX GYM IS PUMPING! Great numbers and priced to sell! 10933
Phoenix, AZ
This gym is very beautiful with very nice equipment and the whole place is included in...
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