$400,000 NET Well Established Mediterranean Restaurant and Bar
Peoria, AZ
If you are looking for a beautiful well-established Mediterranean restaurant/bar/grill in the heart of Peoria with solid reviews and great staff in place then look...
Profitable Established Pizza and Wing Restaurant
Peoria, AZ
Profitable neighborhood pizza and wing establishment with great local presence and loyal customer base. Sale includes business name, liquor license, equipment,...
JUST REDUCED! Arrowhead Sushi Restaurant #10997
Peoria, AZ
This restaurant is in a great location right by a huge and busy mall on the west side....
POPULAR Asian Fusion Fast Food Franchise #10990
Peoria, AZ
This restaurant is located in a super busy shopping center which includes a movie...
See more results when you broaden your search from Peoria to Maricopa County.
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