REDUCED! Trophies, Awards, Engraving Business open in 1959 #11018
Mesa, AZ
Fantastic long-established trophies awards engraving. Been In business for 65 years. Same owner 11 years purchase from original owner many accounts and repeat...
Busy Pawn Shop Ready To Grow #3221
Mesa, AZ
$170,000 in inventory and $45k in loans are included in this opportunity. Plenty of storage and lock-up space. Additional 1200 s.f. of space with frontage can be...
Well-Established Pawn Shop #11054
Mesa, AZ
Huge opportunity: This pawn shop has been serving the community for 40 years. It has a...
SUPER BUSY Retail Animation Novelties/ Knives/ Gifts #11039
Mesa, AZ
Busy mall location, excellent high-moving inventory. It's an extremely fun place to...
Retail Mobility Product Sales & Services
Mesa, AZ
Cash Flow and Gross Revenue are for Jan-July 2024 (7 Months). This SEMI-ABSENTEE turnkey...
$108,000 NET Home Decor Retail Store in the Mall!!!
Mesa, AZ
If you are looking for a turn-key ready to go retail store that specializes in the Home...
ONE MAN SHOW! Busy Water and Ice shop #10964
Mesa, AZ
This shop is owned and operated by an owner with one part-time employee. It is super...
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