Profitable and Independent Boba Tea Shop in Mesa
Mesa, AZ
Take ownership of a profitable, non-franchise bubble tea shop located in Mesa’s vibrant Asian District! Known for its diverse dining and shopping options, this...
Excellent Located East Valley Restaurant
Mesa, AZ
An excellent East Valley restaurant location is now available. Currently operating as a Mexican concept, this facility has many of the components for success...
Super Nice! Korean BBQ Restaurant in Mesa #11034
Mesa, AZ
This restaurant is an all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ with a #12 liquor license. The...
ABSENTEE! Fast food with Korean flare #11035
Mesa, AZ
This Korean flare fast food restaurant has been reduced to sell! It has run absentee,...
Great location! Asian Fast Food W/#12 Liquor License #11033
Mesa, AZ
This restaurant serves all kinds of different Asian cuisines. They are open for lunch...
BEST OF MESA CRAZY GOOD! Korean fried chicken restaurant #10999
Mesa, AZ
This restaurant is packed every day for lunch and dinner. They are located in a shopping...
SUPER BUSY! Mediterranean Fast Food Style does 100K a month #11006
Mesa, AZ
This Restaurant is a fantastic opportunity! This restaurant has a super nice kitchen and...
ABSENTEE! Franchise Chinese Restaurant. #10956
Mesa, AZ
International franchise Chinese Restaurant inside a food court. 100% employee-run.
OWN A THRIVING Sea food market & restaurant #10901
Mesa, AZ
Calling all buyers to step into this well-established business since 1991, with a loyal...
Crisp & Green
Available Nationwide
BUSY! BUSY! Quick service! Mexican food Restaurant #10937
Mesa, AZ
This restaurant rivals all Mexican food franchises, BUT IT IS NOT! The food is 100%...
New fantastic BBQ Restaurant
Mesa, AZ
This restaurant has an absentee owner and is a big hit in Arizona and sales are growing...
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