Great Neighborhood Restaurant & Bar
Birmingham, AL
Very nice restaurant and bar located in one of the nicest retail shopping districts in...
Retail Wine Shop & Wine Bar for Sale in Birmingham
Birmingham, AL
Upscale Wine Shop and Wine Bar. Metro Birmingham Location in business since 2020. Family...
Cash Flow: $100,000
Busy Prime Location/Sales Increasing/Almost New Equipment
Birmingham, AL
Many Pedestrians 7 Days a Week, Prime Location with high foot traffic and many walk-in...
Middle of Birmingham, Stadium/Arena/Convention Center/Museum/Golf
Birmingham, AL
Absentee Owner, Operated by Employees. Stand Alone BD - Drive Thru & Pick Up Order. In...
Long term bar in hottest entertainment district
Birmingham, AL
Bar has been in business for 28 years. Fully equipped and operational. Great patio. High...
Local Iconic Comfort Food Restaurant
Birmingham, AL
This listing is for a great Family Restaurant with Barbecue done on real hickory wood,...
Restaurant-An institution.Great location.Property available!
Birmingham, AL
Long standing restaurant doing great business. Great high traffic location. This...
Restaurant/Bar Business on 280 for Sale! Great Opportunity!
Birmingham, AL
Great Opportunity to Expand business. Located off the busy 280. Fully equipped bar...
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