Web Sales: Handbags, Wallets, etc. Leather & Non-Leather
Asking Price: | $17,000 |
Inventory: | $13,170 |
Established Year: | 1996 |
Gross Revenue: | $20,546 |
FF&E: | $3,500 |
Motivated Seller! Great for first-time-buyer!
This retail business was started in 1996. The company sells leather and vegan leather handbags, computer bags, messenger bags, RFID wallets, etc. The company also sells canvas backpacks, slingbags and duffels. As of 2020 the company transferred to online selling due to direct sales being shut down during the pandemic. You can find our web page at Leatherbees.com to see our current products. We also do drop ship orders for a company in Florida. Gross sales listed are without advertising. The market value of current inventory is $30,000.