Souvenirs & Gift Store

Sacramento, CA
Asking Price:$125,000
Established Year:2009

Established Business

Charming and very well-established gift, souvenir, and novelty shop located in the heart of Old Sacramento Historic District, the highest tourist area in Sacramento.
This shop has continuously operated in the same location for two decades. The current owner has owned the very well-established souvenir business for 16 years.
No marketing or advertising has been required for many years. Excellent selection and quality products bring customers back year over year. The owner currently operates the business without any employees.

There is a common area bathroom available for business owners. The facility maintains a security camera & security alarm.

The majority of customers walk in off the street while visiting the variety of restaurants and retailers throughout Old Sacramento Historic District which has 28 acres of historic waterfront entertainment with dining, events and attractions and draws crowds from all over.

Sacramento, CA
Included in asking price
Real Estate
Building SF
Furnitures, Fixture & Equipment(FF&E)
Included in Asking Price
Furniture Fixtures Equipment Security Cameras Doors Alarm Refrigerator Microwave Stereo phone Credit Card Cash Register Racks etc
Shop is located on a major street in Downtown Old Sac, where the tourist from all over the world, states, local communities visit through the year. Families bring their children and love-ones to spend their time at the Riverfront Historic District. Gold Rush era buildings, horse drawn carriages, river boat rides and many other entertainments. Old Sac is home of Historic Museums, Railroad Museum, California State Capitol, Capitol Museum, Tower Bridge Gateway.
Growth & Expansion
This store sees a recurring amount of people throughout the year and we provide a store that gives a one-stop shop for everyone that comes by. We offer designs that you won’t find anywhere else. Upon purchasing, we can prove our concurrent business by our excellent books and financial statements to show our discretionary spendings. Providing an opportunity for a fully-stocked and turn-key business, this is a major advantage for a new coming owner. Business is successful with reduced hours because of health, but could be improved by expanding hours.
Support & Training
Willing to provide a reasonable transition and training period for a new owner. I will be providing support on how to run the business successfully & great opportunities to make the business be more successful. Business financials are clear and easy to follow, and the current owner is willing to stay on for a training and transition period.
Reason for Selling
Health Reasons

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M. Asif
M. Asif