Semi-Absentee Lawn Maintenance Business in Sarasota Area
Asking Price: | $230,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $423,830 |
Established Year: | 1984 |
Cash Flow: | $90,473 |
FF&E: | $89,025 |
Nearly $30K/Mth in Recurring Revenue
Established Residential and Commercial Lawn Maintenance and Landscaping Service Company, with a good reputation in Sarasota, FL is for sale. The company currently has an excellent route of 6 commercial and 126 residential accounts, with a total monthly maintenance of $28.6K/month, plus extras such as installations, etc. In addition to the owners, the business has four (4) employees, all paid W-2. The owner works 20+ hours every week in the business but could be less or more depending on a new owner. The seller will provide 15-30 days of training (uncompensated).
*Use Reference ID:LMSA-GTB3
Alterations and Seamstress 40 year successful business
Sarasota, FL
Price: $110,000
Sarasota, FL Pool Route for Sale!
Sarasota, FL
Price: $140,400
Lawncare business-Very well established, owner works @4 hours per week
Sarasota, FL
Price: $269,000
Fleet Clean
Available in Multiple Locations
FranchiseCash Required: $90,000