**SALE PENDING** Pepperidge Farm Bread Route For Sale -Indian Trail NC
Asking Price: | $245,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $291,668 |
Cash Flow: | $58,334 |
Established Year: | 2023 |
Great Bread Route outside of Charlotte NC-Only load 2 times per week
Pepperidge Farm Bread Route For Sale-Indian Trail NC-$155,000
Enter Quick Code NC-37620 at RoutesRUs.com for more details, or use the following link: https://www.routesrus.com/pepperidge-farm-indian-trail-nc-nc-37620/
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#IndependentDistributor #PepperidgeFarm #BreadRoute #Distributor
#PepperidgeFarmRoute #FarmHouse #WholeGrain #Charlotte #IndianTrail
#NC #NorthCarolina #Ownabusiness #Business #Routes #ForSale #RouteForSale #Routesrus
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About the Route:
Pepperidge Farm Bread route for sale-$155,000. Protected Territory through Pepperidge Farm. Established route with 5 accounts including Walmart, Harris Teeter, Food Lion. Annual Sales of $291,668 and an annual gross cash flow of $58,334. Pepperidge Farm distributes Farm House Bread, Sandwich Breads, Breakfast Breads, and rolls. Pepperidge Farm is a division of Campbells. Route delivers 2 days a week. (Monday and Thursday) Route merchandises 2-3 other days per week. Average weekly sales of $5,609 with an average gross weekly income of $1,122. Distributor earns a commission of 20% of the route’s gross sales. A cargo trailer is available for purchase in addition to the route.
Potential to increase income through corporate promotions and acquiring additional customers. A distributor agreement with Pepperidge Farm is required. Independent distributors are responsible for providing service to customers per the distribution agreement. Pepperidge Farm requires all distributors to have an LLC. The distributor determines how the route is operated. This route provides income beginning the first day of owning the route.
About Financing:
Financing is available for qualified applicants. Financing options available for an estimated $126,343 with an estimated down payment of $28,657. Financing term is 10 years. This route is being sold at a multiple of 27.6-1.
About Expenses:
Distributors must have business liability and vehicle insurance. (Specific coverage requirements with be provided by the distribution company) The current distributor pays annual expenses of $5,560, or $463 monthly. These expenses include insurance, fuel, and required company expenses. These expenses DO NOT include payments for financing the route (route payment) or payments for financing of a truck and/or trailer.