Mortuary Transport Service-Virginia Based
Asking Price: | $350,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $181,817 |
Cash Flow: | $92,754 |
FF&E: | $85,000 |
Mortuary Transport & Retrieval Business Based in Virginia
Highly reputable mortuary transport company for sale. Recognized for its efficiency and compassion as they manage the removal of the deceased. They offer timely 24/7 service and are fully licensed and insured. Key clientele includes funeral homes, law enforcement agencies, hospices, and medical facilities. This business boasts transparent pricing, diverse marketing strategies, and a strong network of partnerships. With low overhead and solid cash flow, there is great potential for growth.
The ideal buyer for this business is someone based in the Virginia area who can be actively involved as the owner. Individuals with experience in the death care or medical industries would find the transition particularly smooth.