Exterior Cleaning Company Servicing Bradenton/Sarasota
Asking Price: | $85,000 |
EBITDA: | $88,000 |
Established Year: | 2019 |
Gross Revenue: | $184,000 |
FF&E: | $35,000 |
2 Bros & A Hose was started in 2019 as a part time business for weekend work while the owner was working in tech sales. It has continued to be a part time source of income since then with incredible opportunity for someone to make this a full time source of income. Gross sales have doubled YoY up until 2022 and it is currently making a steady profit as a part time gig.
Over the past 2 years owner typically works 3-4 days (4-6 hour days) in the field and puts in 4-6 hours weekly on business development/marketing efforts. Owner typically works 44 weeks out of the year with a month long annual vacation in July/August which accounts for the drop in revenue for those months.
Equipment, processes and technology is currently in place for a quick transition and with a focused, full-time owner, this company can quickly reach it's potential for revenue growth.
Google, Facebook & Nextdoor ads already set up and optimized with all before/after pictures and videos of previous work included in sale price.
CRM has over 900 customers from the past 2 years which has not been tapped for any marketing efforts. The truck and trailer with four pressure washing engines can allow for two teams to run concurrently or tackle large commercial jobs in no time! Working full time, one truck can easily gross $30K per month (best month was around $35k). There is also a large opportunity for re-screening which the company subs out for 25% profit (sub-contractor contact info included with sale of the business)