Established Recruiting and Staffing Franchise
Asking Price: | $50,000 |
Established Year: | 2023 |
A true work-from-home opportunity! Make your own hours, work out of your house, enjoy freedom of schedule! There’s never been a better time to be a recruiting professional and no better place than Patrice & Associates. You’ve found the top recruiting and staffing franchise firm for our core niche restaurants, hospitality, and food service and many other industries we help on a daily basis. All at the managerial level and above. That includes lucrative c-suite and executive search placement. Yes, staffing expertise is applicable anywhere, that’s why Patrice franchisees work across such a broad range of industries, up and down the org chart, coast to coast in the US and Canada. What does all that mean? That’s simple… it means GREAT opportunity. If you’re ready to make your move, we are too!